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Open Education

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We developed 7 Online Courses to guide how to develop the innovations of ourStrategic Plan Climate which seeks in summary to lay the foundations of a civilization capable of solving climate change, mitigating natural disasters and expanding with sustainable development, conserving ecosystems and with equal rights.


The production of these courses was made possible, thanks in part, to a grant from the National Geographic Society COVID-19 Educators Remote Learning Emergency Fund, awarded to our president and instructor Patricia Rincón, for her dedication and innovation in environmental education, in an entertaining and practical way, so that students can access them online, understand and apply what they have learned in their regions for free.

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STEM courses

Teaching for the development, innovation and use of cutting-edge technologies that solve environmental problems and improve the quality of life.

Cursos STEM

The First Steps to Solve Climate Change


Technological Innovations to Create the Tools to Save the Earth 

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Systems to Purify the Air and Water of the Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans 

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Geoengineering Techniques to Reduce Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes

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Architecture, administration, organization and management policies to be able to overcome today's environmental and human rights challenges.

Cursos de Gestión
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Organization and Models of Cities for Sustainable Development

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Evolution of Management Policies for Sustainable Development

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How to Take Action Against Global Warming

Curso 1
Acción Climática contra el Cambio Climát

Course # 1

The First Steps to Solving Climate Change

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Teaches the 5 goals of Plan 1 The Climate, the first 5 steps to take to take effective climate action against global warming change and lay the foundations of a civilization that can survive it, until achieving sustainable development and the rescue of resources natural resources essential for the survival of the planet.

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Course # 2

Technological Innovations to Create the Tools to Save the Earth  

Available in English and Spanish

Curso 2

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You will learn to develop technology related to drones, image and sound software, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum storage, holographic projection, Augmented Reality (AR), improvement of Human and Computer Interaction (IPO), terrestrial sensors for the prediction of climate, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. These innovations will be for the creation of a Climate Prediction System and a Planetary Simulator, to survive natural disasters and determine effective measures to climate change.

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Course # 3

Systems to Purify the Air and Water of the Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans


Curso 3

It guides you how to develop technological innovations in bioarchitecture to create living buildings and infrastructures like trees, capable of reducing and absorbing CO2 emissions and emitting oxygen, with safe interiors and exteriors from toxic clouds of pollution and viruses (COVID-19), to generate photovoltaic energy, which will make up smart cities, with air quality, clean water, food and various renewable energy sources in abundance, stored and distributed by a water battery, which will make 100% electric mobility possible, achieve hunger zero and eradication of poverty in urban and rural areas with sustainable development; integrating nature to cities and rescuing ecosystems in their surroundings. Development and installation of systems for absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and the oceans, in a self-sustaining way to help solve climate change and save the oceans from pollution.

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Course # 4

Geoengineering Techniques to Decrease Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes

Curso 4

It teaches how to develop harmless geoengineering techniques for the environment, aimed at reducing air and ocean pollution, recovering and conserving natural resources, and reducing the intensity of typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes, and tornadoes to protect ecosystems and the population. The formation of national, continental and United Nations teams for the responsible and coordinated application of these techniques, in order to monitor, avoid or contain natural disasters caused by these causes.

Desarrollo Sostenible

Course # 5

Organization and Models of Cities for Sustainable Development

Curso 5

It teaches an organizational model that integrates all sectors of society for the recovery and conservation of natural resources, climate change solution, through quality controls for the transition of all human activities towards sustainability, to build neutral smart cities of pollution with advanced technology, that recover ecosystems and integrate nature. Cities that will grow at the rate of demographic growth and migratory movements, so that the consolidation of human and environmental rights without discrimination is guaranteed. Built quickly and efficiently, with resistant materials to contain natural disasters.


Course # 6

Evolution of Management Policies for Sustainable Development

Curso 6

It guides you how to develop the 4 Management Policies proposed by the NGO Arca Tierra, which will allow us to evolve as a species towards respect for human and environmental rights; effectively reduce CO2 emissions, establish a sustainable economy and conserve the environment; Legislation that will make hydrocarbon industries and their derivatives sustainable industries and help absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere and oceans, while producing renewable energy, among other sustainable economic activities; and it teaches how to conclude a treaty for the conservation of the environment that guarantees the breathing of present and future generations until at least 2050.

Revista 3 Gratis Gift

Course # 7

How to Take Action Against Global Warming

Curso 7
Revista Cómo Tomar Acción Frente al Camb

You will know the strategy to solve global warming and create a sustainable development that guarantees a continuous improvement of the quality of life in your region, with equal human and environmental rights in the projects that are carried out by the NGO Arca Tierra. 

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