How to Take Action Against Global Warming
Free Online Course
This online course will give you the knowledge and tools to apply what you have learned with the guidance of the NGO Arca Tierra, so that you can create sustainable development in your region, improving your quality of life and that of the people around you, while contributing to the solution of climate change and mitigation of natural disasters, through technological, administrative and management innovations, which you will develop or promote its development and use through strategic planning, which will allow you to succeed in achieving the goal of a sustainable civilization.
Patricia Rincón, specialist in data evaluation and strategic planning, advanced study and education techniques, awarded by the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, for the quality of the courses produced for the NGO Arca Tierra and its innovative proposals for the solution of climate change, disaster mitigation natural resources and expansion of humanity with quality of life through sustainable development.

This course by extension is taught through the free digital magazine How to Take Action Against Global Warming, first download the magazine for free, at the end of each class if you want to receive a certificate do the interactive practices.
To start you just have to take three simple steps: sign up, then click on the button to download the magazine and then click on the button to start the course.
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We will receive your e-mail address to send you periodic newsletters about the climate actions we are carrying out and in which you can participate.
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This Course is part of Our
Strategic Plan 1 The Climate,
5 Steps to Get Closer to Solving Climate Change

1. Climate Prediction System and Planetary Simulator.
2. Systems for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions and Absorption of CO2 from the Atmosphere and the Oceans, to Improve the Quality of Air and Water in Cities.
3. Reduction and Mitigation of Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes.
4. Models of Organization and Sustainable Cities.
5. Management Policies for Sustainable Development.

Get the E-book!
It teaches us the first steps to solve climate change, by describing the technology to predict the weather, reduce cyclones and tornadoes, purify the atmosphere and the oceans, as well as the effective organization model to be used in the conservation of the natural resources, the solution to climate change and surviving natural disasters, the necessary legislation for its operation that guarantees breathable air, a prosperous economy and sustainable development with equal rights.