Consulting Services
To Innovate a Sustainable World
Note: We only provide consulting and training services to democratic nations, because we believe that the human right a democracy is the cornerstone of other rights and sustainable development. Except consultancy for the transition to democracy and mitigation of natural disasters.

To Apply Solutions That Work
We offer non-profit advisory services, with highly qualified personnel, to develop innovations or to apply our innovative proposals to improve the quality of life with sustainable development.
We guide you to apply our innovative proposals with current cutting-edge technologies and management models, and to innovate considering our programs and projects, which improve the standards of quality of life and prosperity from all areas of society, while building sustainable development for the benefit of the planet and humanity.

We advise you on the following topics:

Sustainable Constructions

Air Quality

Efficient Water Management

Renewable energy

Green Electric Mobility.

Practical and lucrative recycling

Environmental Conservation

Sustainable Food
To make:
Green Home
We offer you the guide from the construction of new homes, or to reform homes so that they use cutting-edge technologies that will make your life easier, by reducing water and energy costs, with nature integrated into multifunctional landscaping and, if you wish, produce sustainable food. .

Green Enterprises
We advise entrepreneurs, micro-enterprises, SMEs, large companies and industries, with the goal that all human activities are sustainable and more profitable, that instead of harming the environment, they help its recovery and that human and environmental rights are more accessible, with equal opportunities to exercise them.

Consulting for Companies that want to Climb towards Sustainability

Municipalities and Green Regions
We Offer Comprehensive Solutions with Urban Planning, for Rural Areas and Cities Oriented towards the Consolidation of Human and Environmental Rights to Democratic Governments and Continental Organizations

With the goal of creating a civilization capable of solving climate change, carbon neutral and without environmental pollution. we design Sustainable Development Programs based on geographical and environmental conditions and according to an atlas of natural disaster risks.

Sustainable Cities
We advise parishes, municipalities, governments, countries, and democratic continental organizations to make them carbon neutral and reduce environmental impact to make building a green gray building or infrastructure, like planting forests, generating clean water and air, powered by renewable energy .

Environmental Conservation of Key Natural Resources to Solve Climate Change

Each of our 24 strategic plans are focused on conserving different natural resources, despite the fact that we are executing the Plan 1 The Climate, due to the global emergency of loss of nature at an abysmal speed, we advanced some of the activities of later plans, to recover and conserve jungles, forests, mangroves. glaciers, whales and oceans, bees, butterflies, wildflowers, grasslands and rivers, (watersheds) for the health of soils, air and water, vital for environmental conservation, the absorption and retention of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
Sustainable Development Programs
We carry out an evaluation of the situation of a city, state, country or continental region, in terms of quality of life, democracy, human and environmental rights, situation of ecosystems, natural resources and the atlas of natural disaster risks, to issue Programs of Sustainable Development adjusted to improve their situation in general or one in particular. Some of them are explained and mentioned below, classified according to geographical area, because it determines certain special environmental conditions.

We Advise You to Innovate Our Technological and Management Proposals

Management for Sustainable Development
Organization and Sustainable Urban Planning
Biogeoengineering and Mitigation of Natural Disasters
Technologies to Reduce Environmental Pollution
Planetary Simulator and Weather Prediction
The achievement of the sub-goals of Plan 1 The Climate: Develop technological, administrative and management policy innovations to lay the foundations of a civilization capable of solving climate change, surviving natural disasters, recovering and conserving quality natural resources of life through sustainable development and equal opportunities to exercise human and environmental rights.
Below we mention the innovations to be developed:
Goals of Plan 1 Climate
Solar drones that work from atmospheric buoys.
Electromagnetic spectrum imaging software.
Sound software, sonic ground sensors (ultrasound and doppler system settings) to monitor and predict volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Artificial intelligence (AI), to recognize patterns of images and sound.
Quantum storage in crystals
holographic projection.
Augmented Reality (AR),
Improved Human Computer Interaction (IPO)
Sonic Prediction System for Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
The previous innovations will be for the creation of a Climate Prediction System and a Planetary Simulator.
Transform waste incinerators into bulk graphene factories.
Graphene crystal factories.
Bio architecture with microalgae and renewable energies for the absorption and reduction of CO2 emissions.
System for interiors free of viruses and bad odors, by improving ozonators, algae lamps and laser systems.
Improvement of photobioreactors for wastewater treatment.
Graphene crystal solar panel modular triangular parts factories
Design of living sculptures of flowers and define on a world map where to install them to cover the migratory routes of butterflies and where the repopulation of bees is necessary.
Total reuse of waste, through a lucrative recycling system for the entire chain, starting from the home or company that separates its waste.
Improvement of designs of water batteries, for the storage, distribution and use of renewable energies and integral treatment of residual waters for the efficient management of water resources of a water infrastructure.
Water batteries in mines
Improvement of Blue Power Plants.
Recovery of ecosystems, through soil and water conservation, reforestation with the use of fungi, wild flowers, butterflies and bees.
Development and installation of Systems for the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere and the oceans in a self-sustaining way to help solve climate change and save the oceans.
Vertical Garden of the NGO Arca Tierra to produce food and/or to plant species to reforest.
Improvement of food production, conservation and distribution systems to make it sustainable.
Design of a rainwater collector for the NGO Arca Tierra.
Innovations for totally green mobility
Improvement of Desalination Plants.
Misting Systems for Thermal Comfort and Prevention of Forest Fires.

Anticyclone Natural Barriers
Drones and Atmospheric Buoys for the reduction of Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Storm Chasing Teams.
Reconstruction Before Natural Disasters.
Hurricane-Resistant Building Standards.
Pumping Systems and Aquifer Networks to Avoid Coastal Flooding.
Systems for the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters set forth in Natural Disaster Plans.
Organization model adjustable to municipalities, states, countries and continental organizations for sustainable development and the continuous consolidation of human rights, without discrimination.
Management to achieve Gender Equity in a Decade.
Consolidation of democracies and citizen responsibility.
Quality Control Systems for the Transition of Human Activities towards sustainability.
Pollution Neutral and Sustainable Smart Cities.
Shelters for Displaced by Violence and Global Warming.
Urban planning designed for the respect of human and environmental rights, which grows at the rate of demographic growth and migratory movements.
Cities: Tree, Globe and Galaxy.
Gradient Scale between Surviving and Succumbing of Humanity.
Air quality.
Abolition of Modern Slavery
Management Framework for the Transition of Hydrocarbons towards Sustainability.
Global Pact for Environmental Protection.
Systems for the Protection of Forests, Jungles, Oceans and Indigenous Communities.
Systems to Improve the Prevention of Drug Consumption and make Rehabilitation more accessible
Crime Prevention and Reparative Justice
Transition to Democracy, design of democratic models adjusted to the culture of the country.
How Do We Help You Develop Innovations?