We are Open Innovation Intermediaries
We promote successful actions proven in the world that contribute to solving climate change with quality of life through sustainable development and equal rights; evaluated and improved through our proposals for technological and management innovations.
What is Open Innovation?
It is the intensive use of an organization's internal and external knowledge, where talents for innovation are coordinated, with the aim of accelerating its development for external use.
We put at your disposal our innovative proposals, our internal knowledge to share it with talents and external knowledge of citizens, public and private entities so that innovations are developed and applied widely in the world. The resulting innovations are published for others to apply, respecting the patent rights of other entities.
When using any of our proposals, we appreciate that the NGO is mentioned or recognized for its use, nWe do not charge for licenses or patents for our innovation proposals, because it is in our interest that they be widely used to fulfill our mission. We only request the use of the resulting innovations without patent cost for the NGO, to advise non-profit people without resources, to emerging democratic nations to use the innovation and allow developing countries to achieve sustainable development.
Who Can Apply for Our Open Innovation Broker Services?
Those interested in executing our innovative proposals, which are summarized in Programs and Projects,from a home, neighborhood council, civil association, unions, research centers, universities, technological institutions, companies, government entities, municipalities, governments, continental organizations...

What Services Will You Receive?
Our advice as open innovation intermediaries consists of evaluating the situation of a home, neighborhood, company, municipality, region, country or continent, for the issuance of projects and the coordination for their execution.
Services of Open Innovation Consulting:
Evaluation of a situation and issue of a project for its solution.
Personalized training about the project and the proposed innovations
Coordination to establish a schedule of activities and assign tasks.
Supervision and guidance in the execution of the project.

Evaluation and Projects
We evaluate the socio-economic and environmental problems of a neighbourhood, municipality, state or province, country, region or continent and we issue projects for the use of our innovative proposals to solve them. Depending on the hours to dedicate, a donation is requested to cover our operating costs. Our sponsoring partners They receive free consulting hours and if any public or private entity finances our work in any region, we can carry out the evaluation and issuance of the project free of charge.
If you want us to evaluate a situation so that we can solve it with our innovative proposals, see the section Programs and Projectsof our website, we will adjust them to solve your problems, fill out and send us the advice request form.
Offer of Programs and Projects
Make the sustainable development of your municipality, state, country or region a reality, ask us for a program that adjusts to the management of the situation in which you find yourself. We also invite you to check if we have already designed a program for your region.

Personalized Training
Once the program is in place, we disseminate it and teach how to solve the evaluated situation and offer training workshops on the technologies, management and administration systems that are used, for different specialties as the case may be, to increase the capacities of development of the proposed innovations.

Coordination consists of bringing together all sectors of society for the execution of the project or projects until the goal or goals of the project are achieved. This action is performed in the following steps:
Gather Stakeholders
Bring together all sectors of society, mainly those most related to the project or projects to be carried out, summoning the participation of their main representatives to a work table.
Analyze Project or Projects

In a work table the parties involved will analyze the project, if modifications arise to guarantee its success they will be accepted if the quorum of the meeting approves it and if they are in accordance with the irrevocable clauses of the NGO Arca Tierra, for example, we have the policy of functioning to balance the balance of inequities of gender, race, creed, nationality or sexual orientation towards equality, in the event that the country has a hiring rate of 80% of men versus 20% of women, in the The project will hire 80% women and 20% men, this will apply to everyone, so that those who are excluded, in other aspects, from migrants (nationality), racial minorities or other discriminated social groups in the region in question are included , fair recruitment rates will be determined.
Schedule of activities

Once the project has been discussed, responsibilities will be designated so that each of the organizations they represent comply with the objectives and tasks of the project in a schedule of activities established at the work table. The NGO Arca Tierra will guide the meeting or meetings of the work table that are necessary and will mediate between the parties to reach the best agreements and start the project or projects.
Start to innovate!

Supervision and Guide
A manager of the region in the main office of the NGO Arca Tierra remotely and two Operations Delegates of the NGO in the locality will monitor the execution of the project. If the NGO does not have an office in the region, it will ensure that a place where it can operate is financed. The operating costs of the NGO will be included in the project budget. The NGO Arca Tierra will teach how to develop innovations through personalized training and will guide the development of innovations, until their construction, installation and commissioning.
It will supervise that the objectives of the project are fully met, it will document and store the evidence of its fulfillment, until the last objective and achievement of the project goal. In case of getting stuck or delaying the execution of the project, it will carry out an analysis and report that will contain the causes found and the solutions so that the effective execution of the project flows. It will ensure that impartial entities continually audit the use of the project budget to all parties involved, including the NGO Arca Tierra. We will inform the parties and the media of the progress of the project or projects until its completion, where at the end we will celebrate the achievement of the goals and disseminate internationally, so that other regions are motivated to take effective action against global warming.