About us
We are a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), environmentalist and human rights activist, of public benefit, non-profit, international, registered in Chile, dedicated to innovating, evaluating and planning solutions for sustainable development, educating how to develop our powerful and innovative proposals, advising on their application . and making them a reality through project management.
Solve climate change, mitigate natural disasters, and achieve the expansion of humanity with quality of life through sustainable development and equal rights, with the execution of 24 strategic plans
The Earth in good condition and humanity expanding on the planet and solar system with sustainable development and equal rights.
We work with strategic planning, to fulfill our mission, we disseminate and execute the powerful innovative solutions of our 24 Strategic Plans and Natural Disaster Plans, and we achieve their goals through education, innovation, consulting, project management and activism. We are currently working on achieving the goals of our Plan 1 Climate.
What plans are we currently working on?

Plan 1 Climate

Management for a sustainable development
Sustainable Urban Organization and Planning
Technologies and Nature to Reduce Environmental Pollution
Biogeoengineering and Natural Disaster Mitigation
Planetary Simulator and Climate Prediction
Make the changes we need to lay the foundations for a civilization capable of solving climate change, surviving natural disasters, recovering and conserving natural resources, with quality of life through sustainable development and equal human and environmental rights.

Natural Disaster Plans
(Click on the image to see more)

Some Achievements

Innovations Award
National Geographic Society (NGS) awarded the quality of our education and innovative proposals and we shared content with the NGS network of educators.

Projects with Communities
We integrate communities to make changes, we empower them by educating them, advising them and helping them execute projects aligned with our mission.

More than 10,000 Benefited Students
From our online courses, books
free text and magazines, in workshops
online and in person, online advice and
ecological tips in our networks
And many other achievements, and participation in international conferences, such as Climate Promise of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) of Chile and Colombia, International Water Congress, Environmental Education Congress (Brings together more than 50 Education Organizations Environmental of Latin America) the Green Chamber of Commerce, Suma Tu Acción por el Clima (Chile), among others...
Download our 2023 annual report available in Spanish and English
Learn about all our activities carried out since 2016