Annual Activities
In this section you will learn about the activities carried out since the founding of
the NGO Arca Tierra to the present.
Boletines 2024
Newsletters 2024
Take a look at our activities carried out monthly, click on the image.
Newsletters 2023
Take a look at our activities carried out monthly, click on the image.
Newsletters 2022
Take a look at our activities carried out monthly, click on the image.
Newsletters 2021
Take a look at our activities carried out monthly, click on the image.
Newsletters 2020
Take a look at our activities carried out monthly, click on the image.

Active Plans
Our activities are based on strategic planning, on the execution of our 24 Strategic Plans, for the fulfillment of our mission, the solution of climate change, natural disasters and the expansion of humanity with quality of life through sustainable development and equal rights.
We currently have active Plan 1 The Weather, all our education, innovation and consultancy activities are oriented towards the achievement of the goals of this plan.
Plan 1 The Climate
5 Steps to Get Closer to the Global Warming Solution

1. Climate Prediction System and Planetary Simulator.
3. Reduction and Mitigation of Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes.
4. Models of Organization and Sustainable Cities.
5. Management Policies for Sustainable Development.
In our free digital magazine, How to Take Action Against Global Warming, you will discover in an illustrated way our activities and how you can help us and get involved in solving climate change and creating quality of life with sustainable development in your region. Be part of the solution!
No. 3 Volume 1
How to Take Action Against Global Warming
Available in Spanish and English

Annual Activity Reports

Activity Report for 2023
Didactic materials:
We write, edit and publish:
- Sounds of the Earth Magazine
Online courses:
We continue to lend for freeonline coursesto develop innovationsnes that we need to be able to solve climate change, survive natural disasters and the expansion of humanity with sustainable development with equal rights.
-Hunger and Poverty Eradication Projects
Through the use of the WATER-ENERGY-FOOD CIRCUITS innovation license, which we have the right to use for non-profit projects, we create, in the months of January and part of February, projects to eradicate hunger and poverty, because these problems have worsened due to impunity for crimes against humanity, the genocide against Ukraine and global terrorism, which affect developing countries and food producers, for which food catastrophe and poverty are predicted, but thanks to This innovation provides us with tools to eradicate them. If you want to support these projects, contact us at info@ongarcatierra.org
-Green-Gray Mountain Innovation
In the month of May we designed Green-Gray Mountains to stop the advance of the Sahara and hunger, reversing desertification and improving the quality of life, to make a prosperous region.
This project is part of our Program for Sustainable Development in the Sahel.
If you want to support this project, write to us at info@ongarcatierra.org
-Tree Building Innovation to Solve Housing Deficits and Poverty
There is a global housing crisis; according to the UN, more than 100 million people in the world are homeless, a figure that increases due to natural disasters that leave more than 14 million people homeless each year. By virtue of facing this situation, we designed a sustainable smart building to solve this problem with social and economic integration. If you want to build a tree building in your city, write to us at info@ongarcatierra.org
Consulting, Projects and Campaigns
- Campaign against #GenocideIn Ukraine
We demand justice to stop the genocide in Ukraine, which has been committed for two consecutive years, and to stop treating the problem as just another war, it is an obvious genocide due to the direct attack against civilians and their means of survival with complete intentionality and despite Even though the UN does not apply the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, if the UN does not do so, other countries and continental organizations are obliged to comply with the convention because they are signatories. Demand with us on your social networks Justice to stop #GenocideInUkraine Support this campaign and follow us on X (twitter) @arcatierraint
- Campaign against Terrorism #ZeroToleranceAlTerrorism
In view of the impunity for terrorism in America, Africa and in the terrible events of October 7, 2023 against the Jewish community and that Hamas uses the Palestinians as a human shield and steals supplies and humanitarian assistance from them. We demand justice against the conglomerate of terrorism, made up of terrorist states and terrorist groups, since the UN does not do so, we call on nations and continental organizations to respect the anti-terrorism treaties and ensure that there is justice.
- Campaign for Gender Equality
We spread our proposal to achieve gender equality in less than a decade, starting with the economic empowerment of women.
- Talks to young people on motivation for innovation and formation of teams to encourage the development of innovations proposed in the magazine Sonidos de la Tierra, 1 online and 2 in person at the Liceo Bicentenario Santo Cura de Ars, on October 13 and 23, 2023.
- Workshop on what to do in the event of earthquakes for neighborhood associations in the La Florida commune and for workers and company employees, in the months of October and November 2023.
- We won a contest from the Public Interest Organizations Fund of Chile, for which they financed the printing of the magazine Sonidos de la Tierra, operating expenses and travel expenses for carrying out events to disseminate the magazine.
- Department of Citizen Participation of the Municipality of La Florida, Metropolitan Region of Chile.
If you want to know about our activities carried out in each month of 2023, we invite you to read our monthly newsletters, we hope to be able to count on your support to continue our work in 2024, which will consist of continuing to educate, innovate and advise for the implementation of solutions of the Plan 1 The Climate and open offices worldwide, to be able to execute comprehensive solution projects in different regions.
Download our 2023 annual report available in Spanish and English

Activity Report for 2022
Didactic materials:
We write, edit and publish:
- MagazineHow to Avoid Floods and Shortages
We continue to lend for freeonline coursesto develop innovationsnes that we need to be able to solve climate change, survive natural disasters and the expansion of humanity with sustainable development with equal rights.
We launched a personalized non-profit training service to guide how to use technologies and management models for sustainable development.
-GreatGreen Wall of the Sahel Africa Program
The hunger belt in Africa affects more than 20 million people and expands as desertification progresses. For its solution, the initiative of "The Great Green Wall" arose in 2007, planting trees to stop this humanitarian catastrophe. , but little progress has been made. We devised the way to do it with cutting-edge technologies to build green and gray infrastructures, from artificial mountains to create an orographic barrier to stop the advance of the desert and cause orographic rains. The mountains would be part of a water infrastructure that avoids floods and scarcity, to make sustainable development possible without discrimination. see program. See program
-How to Protect Ukrainian Civilians and End the Russian Invasion without Impunity
Considering the serious crimes of genocide and terrorism committed by the terrorist state of Russia in Ukraine and international law treaties, we draw up a proposal to stop the horrible humanitarian tragedy that can reach horrific numbers in winter, where direct attacks against civilians and their means of survival prevail in the harsh winter. Watch and share the proposal in the languages Spanish and in English.
- We prepare projects for sustainable development of Guayaquil, and Samborondón from Ecuador and we disseminate them for their implementation. We await answers to advise on its execution. If you are interested in supporting these projects, write to us at info@ongarcatierra.org
- We advise how to build sustainable shelters in Ukraine,for internal displacement with an information campaign and answers to questions via online.
- We launch new services for advise non-profit companies, so that they achieve the transition towards sustainability, neutral of environmental pollution, with greater profitability and prosperity for the environment.
- We promote information campaigns to counter the worsening of the food crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
- We launched crowdfunding campaigns to disseminate the magazine "How to Avoid Floods and Shortages" in different languages. Support our campaigns
We organize and produce the online event Video Series Red Alert Earth, to expose solutions to the serious situations we are facing in 2022 that threaten the survival of the planet and humanity. ​The following videos are published on our Youtube channel on our page from the International Day Against Climate Change.
​If you are an organization that also wants to support the dissemination of these videos, write to us at info@ongarcatierra.org
- Volunteers around the world supported campaigns to disseminate solutions to climate change, natural disasters and respect for the responsibility to protect citizens, without impunity for terrorism and genocide.
If you want to know about our activities carried out in each month of 2022, we invite you to read our monthly newsletters, we hope to be able to count on your support to continue our work in 2023, which will consist of continuing to educate, innovate and advise for the implementation of solutions of the Plan 1 The Climate and open offices worldwide, to be able to execute comprehensive solution projects in different regions.

2021 Activity Report
We write, edit and publish:
- How to Protect 21st Century Democracies Magazine
- Magazine How to Take Action Against Global Warming
- Textbook: Evolution of Management Policies for Sustainable Development
We produce the online course Evolution of Management Policies for Sustainable Development.
- Online workshops for the Providencia, San Andrés and Santa Catalina islands of Colombia, affected by Hurricane Iota, for the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.
- Online and face-to-face workshops in the rural area of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile, in the Buin commune, to teach and promote a sustainable development program.
We designed and produced the free app Stop the Hurricane to help areas vulnerable to tropical storms.
We design a sustainable shelter model for people displaced by violence, a solution so that refugees are trained and can access sources of employment in high-tech sustainable economic activities, where they are provided with paid work and temporary housing while they acquire knowledge and experience, refugees are trained so that they can build sustainable development for themselves and for the receiving country and promote the truth about the crimes committed in their nation of origin, so that there is justice.
- We advise members of the Buin commune, from the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Chile, on the actions to be carried out to obtain sustainable development in a rural area.
- We advise members of the Buin commune to write projects of their ideas for their green ventures and they could apply individually to grant programs.
- We present various Projects and programs for the sustainable development of Chile to the Ministry of the Environment and other government entities, especially to solve problems of drought and air quality.
- We design a schedule of actions to create sustainable development and safety against hurricanes in coastal areas, we disseminate it in our app stop the hurricane, emails and social networks, based on ourcourses #3#4 and #5
- We design the project Green Subwaythat will allow cities to have air quality, with the absorption and reduction of CO2 emissions and create virus-free interiors, applying what is taught in our course #3
- We design the project Solution to Droughts, which may be applied to the regions that suffer from this scourge, as a consequence of global warming.
We organize and produce the online eventVideo Series Against Climate Change, to expose the problem and how we can lay the foundations to be able to solve it with quality of life through sustainable development and equal rights, through our innovative proposals contained in our Plan 1 The Weather, which are the result of successful actions evaluated in the world and improved with our innovations. ​We publish the following videos on our channel de Youtube y on our page from the International Day Against Climate Change.
How to Make Your Home Sustainable?
How to Make Your City Sustainable?
How to Create Sustainable Development in a Rural Area?
How to Create Sustainable Development in Desert and Coastal Areas?
How to Help Solve Climate Change?
We share these videos in partnership with the National Geographic Society and its network of educators around the world, the Environmental Education Congress that brings together more than 150 environmental education organizations in Latin America, and the Providence Foundation of Colombia. If you are an organization that also wants to support the dissemination of these videos, write to us at info@ongarcatierra.org
Allies and Recognitions
-The National Geographic Society, an organization that awards outstanding people who make a difference in the world, awarded an award to Patricia Rincón, our president, operations coordinator, and educator for her educational work and innovative proposals for a solution to climate change with a sustainable development and equal rights, a large part of this prize was used to be able to provide open education.
- Fundación Providence, from the island of Providencia Colombia, affected in 2020 by Hurricane Iota, we established an alliance for the education of measures for the mitigation of natural disasters and together we brought together organizations from the public and private sectors to promote a schedule of activities , for the sustainable development of the island.
- The Ministry of the Environment, Water and Energy Transition of Ecuador, due to our trajectory and influence on environmental issues, made us part of its stakeholders, for the management of the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
- The CIC energiGUNE Research Center added us to its Climate Solutions list.
If you want to know about our activities carried out in each month of 2021, we invite you to read ournewsletters,We hope to be able to count on your support to continue our work in 2022, which will consist of continuing to educate, innovate and advise for the implementation of solutions for the Plan 1 The Climate and open offices worldwide, to be able to execute comprehensive solution projects in different regions.

2020 Activity Report
We edit and publish the magazine The First Steps to Solve Climate Change and 3 books:
- Plan 1 Climate.
- Systems to Purify the Air and Water of Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans
- Organization and Models of Cities for Sustainable Development.
We produce 5 online courses and by extension in the English and Spanish languages, to educate how to develop the proposed innovations of Plan 1 Climate:
- The First Steps To Solve Climate Change
- Technological Innovations to Create the Tools to Save the Earth
- Systems to Purify the Air and Water of Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans.
- Geoengineering Techniques to Reduce Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes.
- Organization and Models of Cities for Sustainable Development.
We carry out programs for different regions of Colombia and Chile for sustainable development and make recommendations to nations affected by the wave of hurricanes that occurred in November 2020.
We participate in different environmental education congresses to explain the solutions of Plan 1 The Climate:
- Colombia Climate Promise Work Tables.
- Environmental Education Congress of Argentina.
- International Water Congress
- Add Your Climate Action Chile
We established alliances with related organizations for mutual cooperation:
- YoDono Chile
- Argentine Environmental Education Congress
- Green Chamber of Commerce Colombia
- Your Planet, Your House
We invite you to see a summary in our December 2020 newsletter
In 2020 the donation collection balance was zero, we did not receive any donations or sponsorships, we hope to be able to count on your support to continue our work in 2021, which will consist of continuing to educate, innovate and advise for the implementation of the solutions of the Plan 1 The Climate and the following plans that we manage to activate according to the available resources.
Congresses and Conferences
in which we participated in 2020

In 2020 we launch our innovative proposals to lay the foundations for a sustainable civilization, capable of solving climate change, mitigating natural disasters and conserving the environment with quality of life, human and environmental rights respected without discrimination, through the achievement of the objectives of our Strategic Plan 1 Climate. Reason for which we were invited to participate in important national and international events to expose these solutions, which are presented below. It is important to see these exhibitions, because they present a synthesis of our proposals for specific problems according to the event in question.
Sustainable Virtual Forum

The Green Chamber and Green Latin America Awards have held dozens of forums in the last 8 years, on this occasion they held the Sustainable Virtual Forum, where more than 10 world-class experts in circular economy, sustainable development goals, climate action and value chains participated. sustainable supply, among which is the president of the NGO Arca Tierra Patricia Rincón, who presented our proposals for sustainable development in rural and urban areas, on November 12, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. in Colombia.
See the complete exhibition in the presentation that you can see by clicking on the button

The NGO Arca Tierra Made 2 Exhibitions
In video entertaining classes of between 15 to 20 minutes each.
of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
#Climate Promise of Colombia, organized by UNDP Colombia, the NGOs Climalab, Jovenes de Ambiente and Pact for Climate held dialogue tables on climate change on September 30, 2020 and during the month of October, the NGO Arca Tierra participates to contribute solutions and advice. Learn about some of our proposals below.

See Programs for Sustainable Development
Add Your Action for Climate (Chile)
The NGO Arca Tierra participated in the #ReaccionaPorElClima dialogue tables held in Chile online, sponsored by the European Union, where we listened to the problems of different regions that suffer as a result of climate change and presented solutions to solve them, in the Program of the Commune Florida for Sustainable Development and we upload it to the wall of Add your Climate Action.
Activities Summary

Our activities consist mainly of educating, innovating and advising in order to execute our 24 strategic plans , designed to solve two problems that threaten the survival of the planet and humanity, such as global warming and overpopulation, therefore , our planning is aimed at achieving the general goal of solving climate change and the expansion of humanity, with quality of life, through sustainable development and equal rights.
Since 2016 we have dedicated ourselves to the task of disseminating these strategic plans, fully explained in our book 531 Beauties of the World , providing solutions to different countries depending on the situation faced, especially in the face of natural disasters, we give the book to different public and private entities at the worldwide, from which we received good comments, among which the opinions issued by the evaluating committee of the Chiado Books publishing house and The History Channel, a television station that urged us to produce a documentary based on the topics of the book, stand out.
Because the book uses art and science to explain the functioning of the planet, we decided to promote climate art for the dissemination of these solutions, for which we participated in different related artistic events and obtained recognition from international festivals, we brought together dozens of cultural organizations and artists to carry out the Environmental Art Festival 531 Beauties of the World
Given that we were in Venezuela, the absence of democracy did not allow us to activate the plans, since a requirement for their viability is respect for human rights, mainly democracy as its cornerstone, as a result of the deterioration of living conditions. life and that despite the fact that citizens peacefully demanded their rights, they were being forced to migrate or suffer a holodomor, because the country is kidnapped by a criminal state, allied with criminal organizations and international terrorists. In view of this, the president and vice president of the NGO we were forced to migrate in 2019, we were received in the democratic nation of Chile, once we carried out the corresponding procedures, the NGO Arca Tierra is duly registered, since the beginning of the 2,020 with the Unique Tax Roll number (RUT) 65.195.204-2
Then we start the activation of strategic planning, we activate Plan 1 Climate