Sustainable Cities Projects

Modelos de Ciudades Sostenibles de la ONG Arca Tierra
We design sustainable cities that integrate nature, buildings and smart and sustainable infrastructures capable of generating drinking water, renewable energy, oxygen, gardens and food, carbon neutral that absorb CO2 emissions so that they form part of a city with public spaces that also generate these resources and valuable services for the survival of humanity with quality of life at low cost, with an expansion that through efficient urban planning, facilitates access to human and environmental rights with equal opportunities to exercise them, and that grow at the pace of demographic growth and migratory movements.
We have designed 3 models of sustainable cities: Tree, Globe and Galaxy, we promote the construction of these models explained in our course Organization and Models of Cities for Sustainable Development, if you want to see a general description of these innovative cities click on the button.

Ciudades Galaxia, Globo Terráqueo y Árbol
We offer you education, advice and project management to develop our technological and management innovations to build our models of new smart cities and for the transition of existing cities towards sustainability, which expand sustainable development to rural and border areas, integrating the migration and the sectors most vulnerable to growth to achieve high standards of quality of life without poverty and equal opportunities to exercise human and environmental rights.

Ciudades Sostenibles
We innovate in buildings, infrastructures, construction, food and recovery of ecosystems, efficient water management and renewable energy systems, green transport and total reuse, with urban planning aimed at consolidating equal rights, in a participatory democracy and circular economy, it is say without waste or environmental pollution.

Meet Our Services to Help You Build Sustainable Cities!

Open Education

Free Online Courses
(Thanks in part to the National Geographic Society)

Video Presentation
How To Make Your City Sustainable
Episode of Our T.V. Series Against Climate Change
In Spanish, subtitled in English

We advise as open innovation intermediaries, that is, we give you the freedom to use our innovations without charging for patents and we guide you to build sustainable development in urban and rural areas. We only request a donation per hour of advice to cover administrative and operational.
The way to advise you begins with an evaluation of the socio-economic and environmental situation of your city to issue a program that is executed through a set of projects, to achieve sustainable development.
So far, we have designed the following programs for sustainable development, click on the image to see them.

We also provide the non-profit service of project management to solve a specific situation, which involves planning, execution and control of resources to achieve specific objectives within a certain period and budget, identification and management of risks and the assignment of tasks.
Ciudad Sostenible
Actualmente hay una crisis mundial de la vivienda inimaginable, según la ONU más de 100 millones de personas en el mundo no tienen hogar, cifra que se incrementa por los desastres naturales que dejan a más de 14 millones de personas al año sin hogar.
En virtud de colaborar para solucionar este problema, cumpliendo con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para vivir y tener una vida digna. ODS 11: Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles, queremos atender las necesidades de vivienda de la comunidad global y las necesidades humanas de acceso a servicios básicos, vivienda, alimentación, capacitación y fuentes de empleo, con un enfoque innovador, que a su vez contribuya a reducir y absorber emisiones de CO2, emisión de oxígeno, reducción de residuos y sin contaminación del agua, diseñamos edificios Árbol, su construcción será la forma de construir bosques que ayuden a reducir la contaminación ambiental y recuperar los ecosistemas con su expansión en zonas urbanas.
Instamos la construcción de estos edificios para resolver el déficit de viviendas con integración socio económica para los sectores más vulnerables que viven en la pobreza, a sus principales víctimas por la discriminación, especialmente para las mujeres y para jóvenes LGBTIQ+ y huérfanos, los cuales son los más propensos a quedar sin hogar.
Sustainable City
Currently there is an unimaginable global housing crisis, according to the UN, more than 100 million people in the world are homeless, a figure that is increased by natural disasters that leave more than 14 million people homeless a year.
By virtue of collaborating to solve this problem, complying with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to make the world a better place to live and have a decent life. SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities, we want to meet the housing needs of the global community and the human needs for access to basic services, housing, food, training and sources of employment, with an innovative approach, which in turn contributes to reducing and absorb CO2 emissions, oxygen emission, waste reduction and without water pollution, we design Tree buildings, its construction will be the way to build forests that help reduce environmental pollution and recover ecosystems with its expansion in urban areas.
We urge the construction of these buildings to solve the housing deficit with socio-economic integration for the most vulnerable sectors living in poverty, its main victims of discrimination, especially for women and for LGBTIQ+ youth and orphans, who are the more likely to be homeless.
Edificios Inteligentes y Sostenibles
Actualmente hay una crisis mundial de la vivienda inimaginable, según la ONU más de 100 millones de personas en el mundo no tienen hogar, cifra que se incrementa por los desastres naturales que dejan a más de 14 millones de personas al año sin hogar.
En virtud de colaborar para solucionar este problema, cumpliendo con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor para vivir y tener una vida digna. ODS 11: Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles, queremos atender las necesidades de vivienda de la comunidad global y las necesidades humanas de acceso a servicios básicos, vivienda, alimentación, capacitación y fuentes de empleo, con un enfoque innovador, que a su vez contribuya a reducir y absorber emisiones de CO2, emisión de oxígeno, reducción de residuos y sin contaminación del agua, diseñamos edificios Árbol, su construcción será la forma de construir bosques que ayuden a reducir la contaminación ambiental y recuperar los ecosistemas con su expansión en zonas urbanas.
Instamos la construcción de estos edificios para resolver el déficit de viviendas con integración socio económica para los sectores más vulnerables que viven en la pobreza, a sus principales víctimas por la discriminación, especialmente para las mujeres y para jóvenes LGBTIQ+ y huérfanos, los cuales son los más propensos a quedar sin hogar.
Smart and Sustainable Buildings
Currently there is an unimaginable global housing crisis, according to the UN, more than 100 million people in the world are homeless, a figure that is increased by natural disasters that leave more than 14 million people homeless a year.
By virtue of collaborating to solve this problem, complying with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to make the world a better place to live and have a decent life. SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities, we want to meet the housing needs of the global community and the human needs for access to basic services, housing, food, training and sources of employment, with an innovative approach, which in turn contributes to reducing and absorb CO2 emissions, oxygen emission, waste reduction and without water pollution, we design Tree buildings, its construction will be the way to build forests that help reduce environmental pollution and recover ecosystems with its expansion in urban areas.
We urge the construction of these buildings to solve the housing deficit with socio-economic integration for the most vulnerable sectors living in poverty, its main victims of discrimination, especially for women and for LGBTIQ+ youth and orphans, who are the more likely to be homeless.
Green Subway
CO2 Reduction on Public Avenues
Hydrocarbon-based transport emits CO2 emissions and absorbs oxygen, worsening the quality of the air where they circulate and we are far from replacing polluting transport with electric ones that are supplied with renewable energy. 99% of the world's population breathes toxic air, in some cities more than others, which causes more than 7 million deaths per year and generates serious illnesses, mental confusion and memory loss, among many other mental and physical consequences.
Chile, is the second country in Latin America with the worst air quality, in relation to the Metropolitan Region, it suffers from thermal inversion, which causes poor air circulation.
For these reasons we designed the Metro Verde Project, so that CO2 is absorbed in public road infrastructures and oxygen is emitted with microalgae photobioreactors, they work with renewable energies and inside the metro facilities there is air quality, free of viruses. Certain species of trees are planted, arranged in such a way as to avoid the exposure of passers-by to large amounts of CO2 and the planting of flowers for the conservation of butterflies and bees. The microalgae photobioreactor systems in turn treat wastewater, so that water availability is guaranteed at any time of the year for irrigation systems and to improve thermal comfort in summer through nebulization. Encourage private companies to generate biofuels with microalgae waste, to make the transition to green transport feasible.
CO2 Absorption and Reduction Systems Project for the Improvement of Air Quality in Cities
The general goal of this project is the execution of actions to absorb and reduce CO2 emissions and emit oxygen for air quality through biomimetic technologies, integration of nature into cities and energy efficiency.
This is the general goal, despite the fact that our Air Quality management policy guarantees the transition of human activities towards a sustainable economy and development with 100% use of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (NCRE), to implement this policy Another project will be developed. But, given the public health emergency of resolving air quality, we present this proposal as part of our conglomerate of CO2 Emissions Reduction and Absorption Projects.
District Energy
See Video of Our District Energy Proposal
See Video of Our District Energy Proposal
(titles in English)
We develop District Energy projects, a comprehensive system of various renewable energies and biomass sources based on microalgae that can generate different fuels, such as: biogas, oils, biohydrogen, among others, to be used in substations and photobioreactor thermal power plants. microalgae for heating and cooling.
It is a system that integrates all buildings and infrastructures, which can function with microalgae photobioreactor substations, which are capable of fulfilling the function of wastewater treatment and biomass production to be used in the production of biogas, useful for heating systems in winter and electrical supply for cooling systems in summer. The building with bio-facades of microalgae solar panels will absorb CO2 and emit oxygen to contribute to the quality of the city's air.
The biogas generated, or if they prefer to maintain the old hot and cold water system, will be transported underground, the surplus of renewable energy and drinking water will be stored and distributed in a water battery, a pumped power station that will have various waterfalls and hydroelectric, in underground aquifers and where possible on the surface through waterfalls, rivers and lakes, for the generation of hydroelectricity, storage and distribution of different sources of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (ERNC) that occur in the town.
The thermal central stations, will consist of large-scale microalgae photobioreactors, will be connected to the substations as backup systems to supply them, if necessary during hours of high consumption, will be located in offices of the Municipality, built with state-of-the-art technology, located in the main areas of the municipality. This system has the potential for sustainable energy efficiency to supply 100% of the energy consumption of the area where it is installed.
Start Building Sustainable Cities!
Contact us if you want to ask us any questions info@ongarcatierra.org
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