Film and Television
We consider art as important as science for the achievement of our mission, in fact, if it weren't for the artists, perhaps no one, or only a few, would be aware and taking responsibility in relation to global warming.
That is why our 24 Strategic Plans were written in the book 531 Beauties of the World, an environmental art book that combines art and science to explain how to save the Earth and humanity from these problems.
In our work to disseminate these solutions, we produce video arts, short films, documentaries and series for cinema and television, to raise awareness about climate change and publicize the solutions described in our 24 Strategic Plans. We have several projects and scripts for your production.

Media and Social Networks
As part of our dissemination campaigns we want to be in contact with the audience through the media, social networks, cinema and television. We accept invitations to interviews through the media to disseminate our activities and get support, contact us to make an appointment: info@ongarcatierra.org
Support our campaigns on social networks, each one has a purpose that interests you.

We invite you to visit our YouTube channel, there we are continually publishing our premieres in aesthetic and illustrative videos in Spanish and English.

We invite you to see our Red Alert Series La Tierra

In each episode it is about one of the main problems of today that threatens the survival of humanity and the planet, in addition to explaining the reason for the situation, we explain how to solve it so that it is solved with sustainable development and in equal rights.
Episode 1 Invasions, Genocides and Ecocides WATCH
Episode 2 Increase in Displaced Persons due to Violence WATCH
Episode 3 PandemicsWATCH
Episode 4 Toxic Air, Slavery and Slave Economy WATCH
Episode 5 Inflation due to Oil Economy and Climate Change WATCH

We invite you to See Our Series Against Climate Change

Video Series Against Climate Change
Teaches You How to Overcome the Greatest Challenge of Our Time from Your Region
Watch and share these videos on social networks that will make a difference in the world, so that each person from their home, city, region, whether it is an urban, rural, coastal or desert area, can achieve sustainable development, with quality of life and equal rights and in the process, through the recovery of ecosystems, the integration of nature into our cities and with applied technologies, mainly biomimetics (which imitate nature), will help to solve climate change, that is to say , reduce and absorb CO2 emissions, releasing more oxygen into the atmosphere and reducing environmental pollution of soil and water.
We share these videos in partnership with the National Geographic Society and its network of educators around the world, the Environmental Education Congress that brings together more than 50 environmental education organizations in Latin America, and the Providence Foundation in Colombia. If you are an organization that also wants to support the dissemination of these videos, write to us at info@ongarcatierra.org
Look at the videos we publish:
How to Make Your Home Sustainable? Published View
How to Make Your City Sustainable? Published View
How to Create a Sustainable Development in a Rural Area? Watch
How to Create Sustainable Development in Desert and Coastal Areas? Watch
How to Help Solve Climate Change? Watch
Share all the videos published on YouTube! Help us spread solutions!

Video Art

In our book 531 Beauties of the World , where the 24 strategic plans for the achievement of our mission are disclosed, 24 poems are used to describe each element of nature and to understand how to save it, after the poem its scientific meaning is explained For this reason, for its dissemination, the president of the NGO Arca Tierra produced infographics of the poetry in video art, which were exhibited at different festivals, such as the Bang Festival in Barcelona, Spain.
Below is one of them, the president of the NGO Arca Tierra and artist Patricia Rincón donated it to the NGO for fundraising, we would appreciate a donation of 1 dollar each time you watch the Luna y Sol art video, related to Plan 1 Climate , which we are currently working on.
Video Art Moon and Sun
Infographic of the Moon and Sun poetry, from the book 531 Beauties of the World , of its first plan to save the element of nature, the climate, which explains the influence of the moon and the sun on our atmosphere, oceans and land surface, the interrelation of climate factors, through the story of the romance between the moon and the sun, represented through two women lovers, since it in turn expresses the naturalness of love between people of the same gender, to create a message of respect for equal rights .
This video art is in our e-book Plan 1 El Clima and is the plan we are currently working on.


Short films

In order to create awareness regarding global warming and spread the solutions to climate change of our 24 Strategic Plans, the NGO Arca Tierra produces short films. We appreciate a voluntary donation every time you look at each of them.

Animated Short Film
Land, Rocks and Reefs
Love story between the sea and the land, represented by two women in the naturalness of loving people of the same gender for equal rights and protect the planet as the loved one, based on the poetry V Lands, Rocks and Reefs of the book 531 Beauties of the World for the solution to climate change.
Preselected in the Festivals:
Wisper Film Festival (2015), where it was chosen to be exhibited through an application in more than 300 countries, preselected by the TELEK Madrid Festival in April 2016, this television station broadcast an interview with the Director Patricia Rincón and the short film. It was exhibited at the IX Encuentro de Hispanoamérica Voces Ocultas and BISFF Festival. In April 2016 he was selected to participate in the Cerano Film International Short Film Festival, in May 2016 he was shortlisted in the International Film Festival of Fine Arts, Hungary, Szolnok. Selected in Colombian Queer Film Festival, El Paramo Film Festival and Venezuela Queer Film Festival.
If you want to broadcast this short film contact us:
The show has already started, take a seat in your seat and watch this fantastic short film

Silent Short Film for the Salvation of the Earth

Film and Television Projects
TV series
Earth Heroes
If you are interested in sponsoring the production of this series, contact us. info@ongarcatierra.org
Documentary Demo Will we save the Earth?

Will we save the Earth?
Project for Film and Television
Below are the current audiovisual projects of this documentary, those interested in producing, financing, donating artistic talent contact us
The money raised will be used to cover production costs and the rest will be donated to the NGO Arca Tierra.
It exposes the consequences of climate change in 2053, on a desert planet and under the threat of the impact of the VK184 meteorite, humanity faces it by building underground shelters, where the protagonist who directs the excavation works finds a gallery of art, where 24 paintings are exhibited that represent elements of nature, which come to life through circus acts and modern dance, as they come to life, the solutions to save that element are revealed, with a surprising outcome that will make us Save! The earth!
We have written and graphic scripts, for two formats:
1. Documentary Television Series: 24 Chapters of 30 minutes each.
2. Documentary Films: divided into 3 Parts, each of 90 minutes.

Why did the idea arise?
The author of the book 531 Beauties of the World, a book that exposes the 24 Plans to solve climate change and president of the NGO Arca Tierra Patricia Rincón, gave the book to several institutions, including The History Channel, which requested the production of a documentary based on the topics of the book that combines art and science to solve the problem.
If you are interested in producing or financing this laudable project for the Earth and humanity, contact us: info@ongarcatierra.org