Course # 2
Technological Innovations to Create the Tools to Save the Earth
Classes and Practices

Classes Start Now!
You will know how to innovate, this course will mark a milestone in computer science and aerial robotics, among many other fields, since it will also make possible the prediction of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. You will know what to innovate or what to invest in to be part of the advanced technology in a new era of technology.
You Will Be Part of the Evolution of Technology that will allow us to survive natural disasters, solve climate change and create sustainable development.
This course contains 3 Sections, watch the video classes and at the end of each section do the practices and send them, we will review them as soon as possible, if you send us all the practices we will send you a digital certificate. The video classes contain subtitles in Spanish and English, enter the video settings to activate the subtitles if you need them.

Section 1 How to Set Weather Patterns
In this section, you will learn about unknown weather factors and how to establish other hitherto unknown weather patterns.

Class 1 Introduction
Description: summary presentation of the course, the instructor and her experience related to this course, explanation of why it is necessary to improve the climate prediction system and how it is possible to do it.

Weather Patterns Not Yet Considered
Descriptión: description of the underestimated and ignored weather factors for weather prediction and their possible interactions to establish weather patterns.

Section 2 How to Innovate an Improved Climate Prediction System and Planetary Simulator.
In this section you will guide yourself in how to develop innovations for the improvement of terrestrial sensors, drones, image software, super computers, holographic projection and planetary simulation.

Class 3 Terrestrial Sensors on Satellites and on Earth
Description: You will learn which are the ideal terrestrial sensors for a weather prediction system, the improvement of drones that serve as atmospheric buoys to save monitoring costs and improve their functionality.

Class 4 Weather Patterns Software and Artificial Intelligence to Predict Weather
Description: You will know the ideal software to detect weather patterns and how to develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) for accurate and rapid weather prediction.

Class 5 Super Computers for Weather Prediction
Description: You will be oriented on how to improve super computers for the installation of weather patterns software and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Class 6 Holographic Projection and Interactivity of Computer Systems
Description: You will learn about the mechanisms to improve holographic projection and how it can be applied to optimize Human-Computer Interaction (IPO) or also known as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) or Computer-Human Interaction (CHI).

Class 7 Climate Prediction System of the NGO Arca Tierra
Description: You will learn how terrestrial sensors, software, artificial intelligence, super computers, holographic projection and IPO can be integrated to form an efficient and fast Weather Prediction system.

Class 8 Planetary Simulator
Description: You will learn how the Climate Prediction System to be used as a Planetary Simulator that will allow us to estimate future variables of the components of the Earth and to calculate the results of contingency actions or conservation-recovery of natural resources to solve climate change.

Section 3 Implementation of the New Climate Prediction System of the NGO Arca Tierra
In this section you will learn how the Climate Prediction System and Planetary Simulator proposed by the NGO Arca Tierra can be used in the world and what its advantages will be.

Class 9 Comparison of the New System with the Current Climate Prediction Systems
Description: You will learn about the best current climate prediction systems and the improvement that the new Climate Prediction System of the NGO Arca Tierra will offer.

Class 10. World Cooperation for its Development and Use
Description: You will know the current global cooperation and how we need to coordinate for the development and use of the Climate Prediction System of the NGO Arca Tierra.

Class 11. How can you help the development and implementation of this system and make it available to everyone
Description: You will know what to do to help the development of these essential technologies to increase our chances of surviving climate change and solving it.