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Management Policies
for sustainable development
The NGO Arca Tierra promotes management policies to achieve respect for human and environmental rights without discrimination, by strengthening democracies so that the realization of its 24 Strategic Plans is viable and evolution is possible of humanity towards sustainable development, in high standards of quality of life.
We are currently promoting Plan 1 Climate management policies , aimed at guaranteeing human and environmental rights, effectively reducing CO2 emissions through a system of rewards and sanctions that promote a sustainable economy, the transition from oil as the main source of energy towards renewable energies and the substitution of their derivatives; an international treaty to stop the destruction of ecosystems and agree on natural resources to be conserved permanently in order to guarantee the breathing of future generations, until at least 2050. These laws are explained in our Evolution textbook, which is available for free in our bookstore in Spanish and English, and how to develop them is taught in our course # 6 .
Didactic materials
In order to educate for the consolidation of democracies, human and environmental rights, the NGO Arca Tierra has produced different free educational materials, we invite you to read them and distribute them, so that Let's make the evolution of humanity towards increasingly better standards of life with a sustainable development and economy a reality.
Materiales Didácticos
En función de educar para la consolidación de las democracias, derechos humanos y ambientales, la ONG Arca Tierra ha producido distintos materiales didácticos gratuitos, les invitamos a leerlos y a difundirlos, para que hagamos realidad la evolución de la humanidad hacia cada vez mejores estándares de vida con un desarrollo y economía sostenibles.

Campaigns to Stop the Serious Displacement Crisis due to Violence Caused by Impunity for Crimes Against Humanity

Campaigns to Give Refuge to Those Displaced by Violence and for the Energy Autonomy of Nations and the Instability of an Oil Economy Cessation
Menu of Management Policies for Sustainable Development

Point System for Survival
of humanity and the planet

Management Policy to Promote the Consolidation of
Human rights and Environmental

It is a scale that assigns points to each member nation of the United Nations, with respect to the respect or transgression of the bases of democracy, human and environmental rights, as well as compliance with key treaties for the survival of humanity and the planet, such as the Paris Treaty, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Fight against Drug Trafficking, Corruption and Terrorism, among others.
The transgression of the key factors of the survival of humanity and the planet subtract points and their respect adds points, as the nation consolidates them, it will add and add points. Depending on your position on the scale, you will have sanctions or privileges.


For example, if the nation does not have democracy, it will be below zero, therefore, it will not be able to vote in any United Nations forum or belong to the Security Council or the Human Rights Council, since by not respecting democracy, it means that he does not believe in free and transparent elections, which is why he curtails this right in his country, where its citizens have low levels of security and rights; On the other hand, the democratic nations will have the right to vote and to belong to the aforementioned councils, the weight of their votes will be in proportion to the respect of rights and treaties, that is, of the sum of their points, this will encourage the nations and as a consequence humanity continuously evolves towards ever better living conditions, in a healthy competition towards the consolidation of human rights.

Why is it necessary to use this point system?
The United Nations was created after the Nazi holocaust against the Jews, to prevent crimes against humanity and enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is why this scale must be used by the UN, to fulfill its purpose. This points system will prevent the chances of humanity and the planet succumbing from being reduced and will promote their survival, to guarantee that criminal states that support narco-terrorism and that directly attack democratic nations are not established or remain unpunished, such as the genocidal invasion in Ukraine o surreptitiously as in America, by the conglomerate of franchises of criminal narco-terrorist mafia states promoted by Vladimir Putin in the region.
In this system of sanctions and rewards, it contemplates that the United Nations, immediately apply firm justice to state terrorism, support for drug terrorism, terrorism in all its forms and aggressions against sovereign nations, act according to the Rome Statute to stop or prevent genocides, so that justice goes from being a historian of counting corpses, towards a timely justice that prevents or stops exterminations.
If we look at the sad case of the genocide in Ukraine, this could have been avoided if there were not so much impunity for the systematic commission of crimes against humanity by Vladimir Putin. ( See article )

Holocausto contra Judíos 19441 -1945
Holocaust against Ukrainians, they have found hundreds of bodies shot, some cremated. UN after 44 days of Russian invasion, estimates more than 1,626 Ukrainian civilians killed, even without considering many regions of Ukraine, so the figure is higher, because there are more than 15,000 missing.

Jew waves Ukrainian flag in defiance of Putin after bombing.
Boris Romanchenko survived detention in four concentration camps between 1942 and 1945. And was assassinated by Putin-ordered bombing of her residential block.

See Episode Invasions, Genocides and Ecocides
From Our Red Alert Earth Series

It is estimated that Stanlin murdered more than 3.9 million Ukrainians with hunger, a genocide whose objective was the political and cultural annihilation of the Ukrainian nation. A number of Ukrainians were transferred to Russia for indoctrination and to serve in the camps. According to Anne Applebaum, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2004 for her monumental Gulag. History of the Soviet concentration camps, considers that Putin sees Ukraine as a threat, he does not want the Russians to want as many freedoms as the Ukrainians have. It is correct to consider that this is the cause of so much cruelty against Ukraine in the style of Stanlin's genocide, now Putin, in addition to mass murdering Ukrainians and destroying historical and cultural heritage, kidnaps Ukrainians, especially children, Lyudmyla Denisova, Ombudsman Ukrainian, said 402,000 people, including 84,000 children, had been forcibly taken to Russia.
A 6-year-old boy carries canned food to the grave of his starving mother in Bucha. artist Aluona Zhuk illustrated the scene. "This image will never leave my mind. So I want the world to see it too. And start calling things by their name. It is genocide against Ukraine. April 8, 2022.
The holodomor is another way of committing genocide with hunger that must be prevented, which is sadly evidenced in Venezuela and Ukraine where Russian troops have invaded or interfered, it is seen how they prevent humanitarian assistance, burn aid, steal it or hinder , before the cameras we saw how in 2019 in Venezuela, armed gangs of the regime set fire to tons of humanitarian assistance, these criminal acts are committed daily by the Venezuelan regime for the annihilation and domination of the population, to keep them busy looking for basic services and supplies to survive or force them with hunger, repression and violence from narcoterrorism to move en masse to other nations to destabilize them, in a few years more than 6 million Venezuelans have migrated.

NGOs and journalists have tried to reveal the figures hidden by the regime on infant mortality due to malnutrition, but doctors and NGOs say that infant mortality due to malnutrition is a pandemic in Venezuela. What is true, however, is that Venezuela lost generations of children who did not develop their brains and psycho-motor functions properly due to hunger. Every day of impunity that passes towards a genocidal regime are hundreds of lives that are lost, by this and many other means of extermination that we mention in our magazine How to Protect Democracies of the 21st Century

The dictator Huga Chávez, a friend of Putin, did like Stanlin, he expropriated all the means of food production in the country, Venezuela exported food in large quantities, but he expropriated, stole from farmers and industries the means of producing, distributing and selling food, to ensure that the people kneel for a box of food and keep them oppressed by hunger, something that his hand-picked successor, Maduro, continued, until he obtained a holodomor unconcealable for the world. In the photograph is the farmer Brito who was assassinated in a military hospital for being on a hunger strike against the tyrant Chavez.

In Ukraine, the Russian-occupied zones kill and torture the population with hunger and lack of services, in addition to other terrible tortures, such as rape and other torture tactics similar to those denounced by the Casla Intitue that are committed against Venezuelan dissidence and Cuban, the torturers are educated by the Soviet school, with a USSR mentality.
Putin and his puppets in Cuba and Venezuela have been committing serious crimes against humanity for many years, against Russian, Cuban, Venezuelan citizens themselves and against other nations to expand their models of criminal states, building networks with international terrorism and drug terrorism and others. genocidal regimes. The impunity towards these crimes has allowed them to continue and worsen as time goes by.

In Syria, the Russian bombing ordered by Putin was mainly directed against residential and medical areas. The Syrian political opposition claims that Russian attacks have hit areas where the Islamic State is not present "All the targets hit today by Russian bombardments in northern Homs were civilians," the Syrian opposition leader said, a fact reported on September 30, 2015.
Impunity in Syria for serious crimes reported against Russia, where Putin ordered bombings against residential areas and medical facilities of Syrian civilians. According to report of Amnesty International of Russian air strikes in Syria killed more than two hundred civilians, destroyed residential areas and hospitals in that country, the wounded had nowhere to be treated, with a way of proceeding that shows violations of international law. The document focuses on six specific attacks perpetrated in the Syrian cities of Homs, Idlib and Aleppo between September and November 2015, it also shows evidence that Russia used internationally prohibited cluster bombs in populated residential areas. One of the bloodiest documented war crimes, three missiles fired at a busy market in central Idlib, killing 49 civilians. So, the role that Russia played in Syria was mainly against civilians and dissidents to the Syrian regime, targets far removed from the terrorists it was supposedly fighting. He protected the tyrant from Syria, which launched chemical bombs against dissident citizens and practices the holodomor, in a matter of months more than 8 million Syrians, 40% of its population, were displaced by violence.

And now in Ukraine in a matter of days more than 10 million people were forced to leave their homes intentionally bombed by Putin to cause their displacement and make "the invasion easier" despite the human cost of genocide. More than 7.1 million left the country, estimated figures from April 7, 2022.
Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, Putin has bombed residential areas, schools, orphanages, hospitals, maternity hospitals where he murdered an unborn baby, train stations.... Obvious attacks against civilians, women, children, the elderly... And continues to use internationally banned cluster bombs.

Putin has increased the presence of troops, weapons and spy radar systems on the border between Venezuela and Colombia, and in speeches the henchmen of the Venezuelan regime continually threaten to invade Colombia, Guyana and Brazil. See report about the newspaper El Tiempo
This scorched earth technique, of devastating with fire and violence, was also practiced by Putin's criminal conglomerate, the Sao Paulo Communist Forum, in Venezuela, which also includes the destruction of hospitals, but swept the country surreptitiously through the usurping state Venezuelan narco-terrorist criminal and his international narco-terrorist allies, all or the vast majority of which have free operations in Venezuelan territory with weapons, training and supervision of Russian troops, in fact there is serious evidence that they intend to invade Colombia if the Colombian puppet pro Russian does not win the presidential elections, because Russia has shown its notorious continuous aggression against Colombia, invaded their airspace, provided equipment and help to narco-terrorists to intercept Colombian military communications, supports and finances the terrorist groups of FARC, ELN and young people to commit urban terrorism in allegedly violent protests, and the peaceful protests violate them against states democratic, Russian, Cuban and Venezuelan spies have been detained in military installations or studying the main infrastructures of Colombia.

The criminal states of Russia and Venezuela through narco-terrorism and urban terrorism attack Colombia and other democratic nations of America in a hidden way, while in Ukraine it has been a more visible invasion and cruelty due to the massive destruction caused by bombing. This systematic destruction also includes the holocaust against the Ukrainian nationality, the destruction of representative historical, cultural and literary monuments of Ukrainians, to literally wipe them off the map. In the occupied zones they prevent the passage of humanitarian assistance and if they allow it access they control it to make the Ukrainians submit to hunger, exterminate with hunger those who resist or are shot or kidnapped to take them to Russia to indoctrinate.
We mention these crimes against humanity where Vladimir Putin has participated and of the Nazi and communist strategies of history and today we recount them in this brief summary of the long list of crimes of which he can be accused, so that you observe facts and evaluate them, none of the bombings or acts of violence or extermination against Ukraine in 2022 was by accident or by insubordinates, because it is observed that it is the same genocidal criminal pattern used by Hitler and Stanlin, who were great friends and together they invaded Poland, is a system to dominate and commit genocide, which is why the NGO Arca Tierra considers Nazism and communism as genocidal criminal systems and demands an immediate arrest warrant against Putin.
We also highlight that Putin through his puppet Cuba, and implanted the mafia criminal state model in Venezuela as a test, to later spread models of criminal narco-terrorist states throughout America and now in Europe, uses Ukraine as a test to continue invading to other European nations, it has already invaded other airspaces of other European nations, it has attacked ships flying other flags and it has threatened to invade other European nations, so its crimes threaten to extinguish the lights of freedom and impose darkness on the world.

The spokesperson for the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant confirmed on March 3, 2022 that due to the continuous Russian bombing of the area, the plant would be on fire and there would be a danger of a nuclear threat.
In this century, international law has countless laws that can stop the genocide in Ukraine, a live extermination that we are observing worldwide, but that do not go from paper to reality. Among them, they highlight the fact that the International Criminal Court can issue an international arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin and his circle of command power, according to Article 58 of the Rome Statute, to stop the genocide and to stop holodomor the UN has the Humanitarian Intervention. In the face of nuclear aggression and threat, which, by the way, Putin constantly threatens to launch atomic bombs and that, in fact, he has already launched incendiary bombs at a nuclear plant in Ukraine and that miraculously did not explode, there is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) to the Ukrainians, Russian civilians and all nations of the world against state terrorism, international terrorism, mass murder, threats and commission of nuclear explosions....

We named the Russian civilians, because the vast majority, according to massive demonstrations, rejected the invasion of Ukraine and for which thousands were injured, tortured and imprisoned, a propaganda machinery and information gag was imposed in Russia, aggravation of the state terrorism that prevails in that country. If the Russian state announces that 80% of Russians support Putin, this means that 80% of Russians are against him, this is the case in all criminal states, the information is based on Fake News and is reported according to the propaganda machine. We mention this because the Russian criminal state led by Putin wants to legitimize itself with national approval and does not have it, they urge hatred between Ukrainians and Russians, when even Russian soldiers are imprisoned, mutilated and tortured for refusing to go to Ukraine and many are they have resisted by renouncing extermination orders in Ukraine and have requested refuge.
So, we urge you not to fall into hate campaigns between nationalities, this is widely used by the criminal state of Russia to divide and conquer in America and in Europe. For example, they displaced Venezuelans to other nations and so that they never recover their country, they finance hate campaigns against Venezuelans, against displaced people of different nationalities, just track their bots on social networks and their extreme left and right supporters. Because Putin is supported by genocidal extremists of both Nazi and communist tendencies, you can see in Amércia communist assembly members ranting about xenophobic laws specifically against Venezuelans in a very notorious way.

Vladimir Putin in 2021 considered removing the Taliban from the terrorist list and urged that they be recognized as a state, Russia says that its diplomatic mission remains open and has had kind words for the new rulers. Putin supports terrorism in Syria, Venezuela and with interference in Colombia and Latin America to destabilize democracies and surreptitiously invade. Since 2017, Russia has reportedly supported the Taliban and supplied Russian weapons to the Taliban, as well as to the FARC and ELN terrorists and the failed state of Venezuela.
International law obliges nations to act against terrorism, resolution N1373, provides for the fight against terrorism and its sponsors and financiers in a timely manner, especially against criminal states that support terrorism and drug trafficking, but this is not applied by the UN, rather the UN pays terrorist groups for their protection in Afghanistan , which is the height of complicity and complacency towards terrorism and some countries consider accepting or have accepted a terrorist state in Afghanistan which is the height of all.

If this scenario of impunity and insecurity continues, the least concern for the survival of humanity and the planet would be climate change, because extremists will destroy the Earth before global warming.
This scenario can be reversed simply by resolving its cause: impunity for crimes against humanity. And how is impunity resolved? Yes, WITH JUSTICE. We have already made it clear that there are laws to prevent atrocities against humanity and there are also laws to prevent atrocities against the environment, to prevent ecocides ( see ecocide in Venezuela ).
These examples of impunity for crimes against humanity of genocide, drug terrorism, state terrorism, urban terrorism and international terrorism, where a clearly identified criminal commits increasingly worse crimes with terrible consequences for all of humanity, the worst crises of people displaced by violence such as: Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan and Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is involved openly or surreptitiously, he has forced tens of millions of people to leave their countries of origin so that terror reigns. It shows that it is necessary to reform the functioning of the UN and continental organizations, so that there is security and justice that prevent genocide and consolidate human rights, defend and protect citizens who are victims of the systematic transgression of human rights and not those who are genocidal. , because special attention is paid to the protection of tyrants and not of the citizens who are victims of their crimes, doing the complete opposite of what is written in laws, treaties and the basic purpose of the UN.

How will the Points System Are Genocides Avoided?
The scoring system assigns prizes and sanctions to nations according to their position in the ranking of human and environmental rights, compliance with key treaties for the planet and humanity, and will ensure that timely justice is applied to countries with very low scores that clearly demonstrate that commit genocide and support terrorism, that is, where it is necessary to apply the aforementioned laws and key treaties to prevent extermination, such as the Rome Statute, the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), Humanitarian Intervention, N1373 Treaty against Terrorism, among others.
Many of these treaties to be implemented, such as the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) need the approval of the Security Council of the United Nations, so you may wonder why the Security Council does not act in Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Burma, Belarus,....? Clearly, the Security Council does not apply R2P where they practice extermination, violate the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commit serious crimes against humanity against their population and/or attack democratic nations, where state terrorism is practiced and clearly support terrorism in all its forms.
This can be attributed to the fact that Russia and its ally, in some cases China, belong to the Security Council and the vote must be unanimous. Firstly, the points system considers that nations with complaints and evidence of the absence of the human right to democracy, the rule of law, freedom of expression and opinion.... That is, they are below zero in the human rights ranking they will not be able to belong to either the Security Council or the Human Rights Council, for obvious reasons that would be too much to explain, but the reality is that in those councils there are wolves guarding sheep and we are already observing the consequences.

This system of rewards and sanctions has the purpose of promoting the survival of humanity, it will make international laws and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights go from paper to reality, making the Security and Human Rights Councils comply with their functions and not at the mercy of genocide, so that it acts in a timely manner to PREVENT genocide, extermination or displacement of populations by terrorism in all its forms, avoid the annihilation of humanity either by pandemics, holodomor, nuclear, biological or chemical or ecocide and protect against any other threat to the survival of the species and effectively encourage nations to respect and consolidate human and environmental rights without discrimination.
The UN showed a change and a great triumph for the millions of victims of Putin around the world, and it is their departure from the Human Rights Council, they need to remove others who systematically transgress human rights and remove Putin from the Security Council. The reason that criminal states enjoy protection and citizens are unprotected is because flagrant human rights transgressors have the baton to direct security in the world, despite overwhelming complaints that justify the application of justice and humanitarian intervention through the activation of the aforementioned international treaties and this point system will put an end to that.
The point system also provides for the avoidance of pandemics, the creation of viruses in laboratories and the intentional or unintentional negligence in their global spread, considers it a crime of genocide, to reduce the world population, demands that justice be investigated and applied. The justice must be applied with the speed of the seriousness of the crime measuring its consequences , the current digital and technological media can speed up justice, it is not justified that a genocide is being committed and justice is applied 20 years after all or most of them are dead migrated and the genocides are almost dead of old age.
In the case of COVID-19, there are complaints from Chinese citizens, from scientific studies, and from world leaders, who point out that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory and that the Chinese regime, in agreement with the communist president of the WHO, (the which has a resume of alleged genocide, according to Ethiopian citizens and human rights NGOs in Ethiopia), allowed the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus to spread throughout the world, to give the belated announcement of a pandemic, once The announcement was made, Chinese businessmen were already prepared to devour the financial markets, that is, it did not take them by surprise, contradicting what was declared by the Chinese regime, for which we demand investigation and justice, we ask the Chinese regime to collaborate in the investigation and justice is applied to those responsible, in case of continued reluctance to collaborate in the investigations, suspicion of being involved will be considered and we will demand that international justice do what you must do to get truth and justice and stop terrorizing the populace with bioweapons, outbreak after outbreak. But the majority no longer pay attention to campaigns of terror and compulsory confinement, they only take their forecasts and go out to work, because they know that it is more likely to die of hunger (holodomor) confined to homes with collapsed economies, than from the virus contagion... This is a project that we are promoting for research and justice in the face of COVID-19 so that no generation ever again suffers what confined humanity suffered. ( View )

How will the Points System Are Human and Environmental Rights Consolidated?
The nations that are above zero, that is, that have guaranteed the right to democracy, the cornerstone of human rights, will be able to belong to the Security and Human Rights Councils, vote on matters of security and human rights, the weight of their votes will be in proportion to the respect and consolidation of human and environmental rights, key international treaties for the survival of humanity and the planet, such as the Paris Treaty, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Fight Against Drug Trafficking, Corruption and Terrorism, among others.
In this way, nations will compete to respect and consolidate human and environmental rights for the benefit of their nations and humanity. The best way to consolidate them is through participatory democracies, that is, where citizens are encouraged and supported to take responsibility for the consolidation of human rights and protection of the environment. For example, considering the right to water, citizens must assume it as a benefit and duty to fulfill, government entities must ensure that citizens can access the supply of drinking water and citizens in their residences, jobs or companies must avoid its use. waste and not to contaminate water sources, for which they must install economical and efficient wastewater treatment systems and the government entity pays the citizen for the clean water that returns to the water supply network or to water sources and applies sanctions or fines for the untreated water discharged. In this way, both governments and citizens are responsible for consolidating this right, for which they must always consider continuous improvement.

The nations that are above zero, that is, that have guaranteed the right to democracy, the cornerstone of human rights, will be able to belong to the Security and Human Rights Councils, vote on matters of security and human rights, the weight of their votes will be in proportion to the respect and consolidation of human and environmental rights, key international treaties for the survival of humanity and the planet, such as the Paris Treaty, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Fight Against Drug Trafficking, Corruption and Terrorism, among others.
In this way, nations will compete to respect and consolidate human and environmental rights for the benefit of their nations and humanity. The best way to consolidate them is through participatory democracies, that is, where citizens are encouraged and supported to take responsibility for the consolidation of human rights and protection of the environment. For example, considering the right to water, citizens must assume it as a benefit and duty to fulfill, government entities must ensure that citizens can access the supply of drinking water and citizens in their residences, jobs or companies must avoid its use. waste and not to contaminate water sources, for which they must install economical and efficient wastewater treatment systems and the government entity pays the citizen for the clean water that returns to the water supply network or to water sources and applies sanctions or fines for the untreated water discharged. In this way, both governments and citizens are responsible for consolidating this right, for which they must always consider continuous improvement.

Thus, the points system that establishes awards and sanctions will be fairer to promote the continuous consolidation of human and environmental rights and compliance with security and justice treaties, for the benefit of citizens, of their nations and humanity will evolve towards better standards of living and the planet towards high standards of environmental conservation.
For the approval of this system you only have to decide: are you a genocidal extremist (communist or Nazi) or are you a human being who wants humanity and the planet to survive and improve more and more in a healthy competition for the consolidation of human rights? Here it is not questioned if you are from the left or from the right, diagonal or transversal or neutral or from the center or from any other tendency or line or side that is invented, this decision has nothing to do with political positions, they are decisions between life and death of humanity and the planet guarantee the application of justice to criminal states that support drug terrorism and the proliferation of nuclear weapons, or that sell weapons or support terrorist groups or states.
The UN and continental organizations must provide advice to dictatorial nations that so wish, for their transition towards a democracy adjusted to their culture and history, except for criminal states or nations that support criminal narco-terrorist states, because in those cases only apply justice. And offer advice so that democratic nations consolidate rights. The NGO Arca Tierra offers advice to the UN and continental organizations in providing non-profit advice, to develop this points system, we explain more details about it in our book and online course Evolution .

Air Quality Law

Law to Promote the Reduction of CO2 Emissions, Recovery of Natural Resources and the Development of a Sustainable Economy
The system will sanction carbon dioxide emissions, through taxes and tariffs, the resources collected will be used to give prizes to oxygen emitters, monetizing the oxygen emitted by hectares of jungles, forests, mangrove forests and rewarding the conservation of other key natural resources to curb global warming, such as glaciers, measuring their impact on global temperature and the health of the atmosphere. These resources will be used for the use of sophisticated forest fire prevention and containment systems, surveillance and protection of the environment and indigenous communities, integrating their inhabitants into development through sustainable economic activities, such as ecotourism and conservation of natural resources. Also part of the prizes will be used to finance the sustainable development of rural and urban areas aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, by financing and promoting the supply and demand of sustainable goods, products and services, which will generate a sustainable economy. and will improve the quality of life of citizens, in sustainable cities with equal opportunities in the exercise of their human and environmental rights, for which the customs sanction of slavery is necessary.
In our textbook Evolution and online course #6 we teach how to develop this management policy and make it apply. And in this video of our series against climate change we offer more details.

Management Policy for the Transition to Sustainability
Law to Substitute Hydrocarbons and their Derivatives
for Sustainable Energies and Products
Management policy that will promote and facilitate in gradient and with reasonable times, the transition from the hydrocarbon and coal industries to being industries of sustainable activities, such as the production of renewable energies that instead of polluting will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and the oceans, through geothermal plants, solar plants with microalgae solutions; production of raw materials based on carbon and graphene, very useful for different industries, to replace products that were obtained from hydrocarbons, such as tires, plastics, among others. In our textbook Evolution Y online course #6 we teach how to develop this management policy and make it apply.
We invite you to see our projects for the transition from being an industry part of the problem to being part of the solution to climate change.

World Treaty for Environmental Protection
Treaty to Conserve Natural Resources to Guarantee the Breathing of Future Generations
Establish the amounts of natural resources that we need so that the flora, fauna and humanity can survive, establishing the amount of natural resources to conserve, with the assistance of a planetary simulator , to guarantee at least the breathing of the generations until 2050 , through a World Treaty for the Protection of the Environment. In our textbook Evolution and online course #6 we teach how to develop this management policy and make it apply.

We invite you to watch our video How to Help Solve Climate Change? This video explains how to determine the key natural resources to conserve to mitigate climate change. This video is part of our Series Against Climate Change
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