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Help us fight global warming
and defends human rights!
Donate Here through Western Union and/or Bank Transfer

Send your donation by different means of payment, through the reliable Western Union platform, make a bank transfer in the name of NGO Arca Tierra RUT 65.195.204-2, Santiago Chile. State Bank Vista Account #21470082612 BIC or SWIFT Code: BECHCLRM. E-mail: info@ongarcatierra.org
The planet and future generations will thank you.
The NGO Arca Tierra needs your help to continue providing open education and advice to fulfill its mission, the solution to climate change, mitigation of natural disasters and the expansion of humanity with quality of life through sustainable development and equal rights.

Why donate to the NGO Arca Tierra?
Because we unleash the power of people to take effective climate action.
We teach, innovate and advise how to save the Earth from climate change and improve people's quality of life through sustainable development, with equal opportunities to exercise human and environmental rights.

Benefits of Being Part of the Collaborators of the NGO Arca Tierra

You will help us move towards solving climate change, mitigating natural disasters and creating sustainable development by recovering ecosystems, through the execution of our Climate Plan 1 aimed at laying the foundations of a civilization capable of solving global warming with knowledge as a tool to execute programs and projects that make our innovative proposals, awarded by the National Geographic Society, a reality.
You will help to consolidate democracies so that citizens in their countries have the freedom to exercise human rights as benefits and duties to exercise in a participatory democracy with equal opportunities to exercise human rights, for its continuous consolidation and improvement of quality. of life, because democracies are essential to achieving sustainable development.

If you want to give significant monthly contributions, we invite you to be a sponsor of our activities, either to fulfill our mission internationally or in your region, you will receive prizes advertising and consultancy hours.