Save the Oceans Program
We offer education and advice as open innovation intermediaries to execute our Save the Oceans Program, which aims to save the oceans and marine life from three threats of extinction: high temperatures, high levels of acidification due to high concentrations of CO2 and waste accumulated in the oceans. Because if these three main threats are not resolved, all efforts to save ocean life will be in vain.

How can we achieve this goal?
The program would be carried out globally, and would include the execution of 5 simultaneous projects, each in a geographic area surrounding the plastic continents, for the cleaning and installation of systems to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and oceans using nature and biomimetic technologies (which imitate nature), which will reduce acidification and high temperatures, and provide protection to marine life.
Each project will follow a 7-stage schedule of activities, which are:
Who will implement these projects?
Five teams will be formed for each plastic continent, integrating and coordinating all countries in the world and all sectors of society, such as: civil associations, religions, artists, athletes, journalists, companies, guilds, unions, government ministries, universities, military personnel and civil society.
The five projects will be worked on simultaneously and the five teams will support each other.

How does this programme contribute to the sustainable development of coastal areas?
Partnerships to achieve the objectives, technological innovation and natural resources will allow us to develop CO2 absorption systems to solve global warming, which in turn will generate renewable energy for the electricity supply of coastal areas and maritime activities. Recycling waste as an economic activity, planting mangroves and integrating coastal communities into the implementation of program activities and their maintenance will produce economic, social and environmental development.
In these activities, contracts will be made with gender equity; in areas where there is marked discrimination, women will be hired mainly, according to the percentage of inequality. For example, if there is a gender gap of 70%, 30% of men and 70% of women would be hired, to balance the scales towards equity. These hiring rates will also be applied to problems of discrimination based on race, creed or sexual orientation, according to the region. In this way, the 5 simultaneous projects will contribute to sustainable development, reducing inequalities.

Innovative systems for absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and oceans generate renewable, solar and geothermal energy.

The proposed mangrove barriers on coasts and offshore will serve to increase resilience to floods, tsunamis, hurricanes
Technological advances and infrastructure innovations can contribute to more sustainable maritime activities and help countries that have lost land to build sustainable marine cities for their livelihoods, such as Kiribati, which is likely to be the first country to disappear due to climate change, with 300 million people predicted to be homeless by 2050 due to rising sea levels.

Japan Underwater City Model
We Offer You Free Education to Develop Innovations
We teach through online courses and free textbooks available on our website. Click on the image to start learning how to save the oceans
Online Courses
Our Course #3
Systems to Purify Air and Water in Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans
It teaches you how to clean the continents of plastic and install systems to absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere and oceans, while generating renewable energy and sustainable development in coastal areas.
Our Course #4
Geoengineering Techniques to Reduce Typhoons, Cyclones, Hurricanes and Tornadoes
You will learn to build natural mangrove barriers to protect the coasts from tsunamis and hurricanes.
Text book
Systems to Purify Air and Water in Cities, the Atmosphere and the Oceans
Textbook of our course #3
We invite you to spread
The Save the Oceans Project
Be part of the solution and help us spread the word
Here is some promotional material for you to share on social media and via email.
Illustrative Video in Spanish
Name: Save the Oceans Project
Synopsis: brief overview of the oceans project for the general audience.
Running Time: 7:01
Spanish Language
Illustrative Video in English
Title: Save the Oceans Program
Synopsis: Brief summary for the general audience.
Duration: 1:10
Language: English
Share these videos with the hashtag #SaveTheOceans
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